Sunday, January 8, 2012

This is me!


I am almost 52 years old, got a few wrinkles, overweight and definitly have some self esteem issues when I look in the mirror.  But this past week, as I was reading my devo on Jan 6 from Sarah Young’s Jesus Calling devotional, one of the first lines was, “ Come to me with positive expectations, knowing that there is no limit to what I can accomplish”. This is the time of year when we want a fresh start, we vow to eat better, exercise, take better care of ourselves, etc…etc…You know what I’m talking about.  Well, this year, my goal is to just be happy in myself.  If I can spend more time allowing the Holy spirit to control my mind and my thoughts, His plan for my every minute will be in the forefront.  I want to daily see His power and glory in my life.   And just like you, i want to lose weight, and exercise more, and take better care of myself but I will not let those thoughts of low self esteem take over.  When I focus on me, I can’t focus on what God has for me to do  for Him.  So let me be an encouragement to accept yourself and see great things He has for you!

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