Here are the rules:
•You must post the rules.
•Answer the 11 questions that the tagger posted for you; then create 11 questions to ask the people you’ve tagged.
•Tag 11 people and link them in your post.
•Let them know you have tagged them
1. If you could live anywhere in the world for one year, with all of your expenses paid, where would you live? On a particular one--I like most of them. But probably, one of the more secluded east coast ones....
2. What is your favorite musical? Or do you not like musicals?
Sound of Music---I could watch it a million times and never get tired of it!
3. Are you better at singing or dancing?
3. Are you better at singing or dancing?
I like to do both, but I guess I would have to say didn't pay for 10 years of dancing lessons for nothing.
4. If you had the choice of getting dressed up and going out on the town or staying home in your PJ's on the couch, which would you choose?
4. If you had the choice of getting dressed up and going out on the town or staying home in your PJ's on the couch, which would you choose?
Well, since I rarely get dressed up, it looks like I frequently choose staying home in my PJ's but if an opportunity presented itself, I am not at all opposed to getting dressed up and going out!
5. If you could win an Olympic gold medal in any sport, what would it be?
5. If you could win an Olympic gold medal in any sport, what would it be?
6. What is your weirdest or most annoying habit?
6. What is your weirdest or most annoying habit?
Probably, and I really hate to say this...but it is being very critical of others...and I also bite my nails.
7. Tell us about your first best friend.
My first best friend was probably a girl named Diane, that I met in the 4th grade. We were good friends through high school, and we always laughed about how we met. I walked up to her and said, "I don't believe I caught your name"....what a thing for a 4th grader to!
8. What is your favorite show on TV right now?
The Voice
9. What is your favorite show from the "old school" TGIF or Nick at Nite days?
The Partridge Family
10. What is your favorite season of the year, and why?
Summer...the beach...a suntan...a good book...a chair in the ocean.
11. Do you have any pets? If so, what are their names and what kind of animal(s) are they?
Once again, I am not sure why Nonny and I are such good friends...I LOVE ANIMALS! and have had a variety of them in my lifetime. From the normal kittens and puppies, to chickens, rabbits, a rooster, goats, a weasel, birds, frogs, turtles, fish, to the present....a bengal kitten named Cagney and an English Mastiff named Gracie. Some of the outstanding names thru the years....
Jim Jam--a Siamese cat
Morpheus--the stud goat
Clover--another Siamese cat
Pujo--the first dog we got after we got married...a cocker spaniel named after a urologist I worked with...but unfortunately, he bit Zac when Zac tried to join him for a snack at his bowl and ended up with 13 stitches in his face. Pujo had to go to doggie heaven...or hell that day.
Fur Piece...we thought a baby girl kitten and named after the country saying, "don't you live a fur piece down the road?" but ended up fur piece was a boy so his name got changed to furr
Roosie the rooster who befriended our Weimarainers and ate out of the same bowl as Cooper and Cota.
and the list and memories could go on forever....
Now for my 11 questions for whoever i tag...and my answers...
1. Where were you born. Town, state, hospital....?
Cedar Bluff VA at the Clinch Valley clinic in a blizzard on Feb 15, 1960.
2. Were you breastfed and for how long.
Unfortunately for me, i was bottlefed. I still can't believe my mother would have done something like that to me.
3. What did you really want to be when you grew up?
I really wanted to be a missionary to Africa and actually would still like to do that.
4. Who is or was the most influential person in your life?
That is a hard one for me...i guess it would be my grandma...because i always wanted to please her and never disappoint her. What she thought meant everything to me.
5. What is different about your life now as an adult that you didn't expect to happen?
I knew when I went to college to be a nurse, that I would have a job and work some, but I never thought I would work after I had kids...I thought women were supposed to stay home and raise children.....well crap...there went that dream...I am still working....
6. What is you absolutely most fun thing to do?
I love to sit on the beach and read a book.
7. Can you still write in cursive and read cursive?
Yes and I think we should all start doing it more since they are no longer teaching it in school.
8. What are the three things you really don't ever want to do without? (don't include food!)
Mascara, toothpaste, Bible
9. What is your favorite old time hymn?
Trust and Obey....for there's no other way
to be happy in Jesus,
but to Trust and Obey.
10. What is the best thing about you?
I hope the people who know me would say I am loyal and always willing to help.
11. Did you have a wedding? big, little, elope, courthouse, beach??? long dress, short dress, veil, train, honeymoon???
I got married on Dec. 11, 1982 at Va Ave Methodist Church in Bluefield, Va. About 175 people were there, and I wore a beautiful long white gown, with a floor length veil, and had 6 bridesmaids and 4 honoary bridesmaids, and 2 junior bridesmaids a flower girl and ring bearer. The bridesmaid dresses were the ugliest things I have ever seen and looking back, i am not sure what I was thinking. Otherwise, my wedding was gorgeous. We were supposed to leave the church in a horse and carriage but it snowed so much from the time we entered the church, that even the horse and sled couldn't get there. The caterer and most of the out of town guests had to stay with our friends and families because it snowed 12 inches in about 4 hours that night. WOW
And now I tag....
dana @ somewhereovertherainbow
and i don't know anymore right now....but i will work on it...
Hello my animal loving, missionary, loyal friend! :)