Saturday, March 17, 2012

Still FAT

Okay, I have to come clean.....
I have not been TRYING as hard to lose weight as I should.

I have lost about 4lbs.

I haven't been exercising.

I haven't been looking in the mirror saying FAT, FAT, FAT.

I have been dreaming about being skinny again.

I look at dresses that I would have looked good in around 1995.

The good news...
Tennis season starts Monday night....
That answers the exercise component.
Now I just have to limit the food component and pray.

and one last thing...
I have even been looking through the 
plus size pics of summer dresses.
Those plus size women look so much better than I do in plus size clothes.

Therefore that confirms it...
I really am a skinny girl surrounded by extra fat tissue.
 This is the skinny girl.
This is the skinny girl surrounded by extra fat tissue.

I really need to lose weight!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. i love meeting you this weekend! thank you for your sweet words of encouragement!
    good luck in your weight loss journey. i need to lose too. & was so frustrated seeing pictures of myself this past weekend. sigh....


  3. My fitness pal on your iPhone will help. I have been doing it this past week and it is amazing how it will keep you accountable!!! Good luck! You can do it!!!
