I go to one of those churches that doesn't have traditional Sunday School classes anymore...
We have Life Groups.
In many ways, I miss Sunday School.
We have been going to the same church for about 5 years
and for the first time in our married life,
we really haven't been involved.
So after visiting some other churches, and trying to listen to what God's will is for us,
we went back to where we have been going but with the resolve
to get involved!
So we joined a Life group.
we went the first week together and I went this week by myself.
(Blue eyes was working late.)
The verdict is still out on what we think about Life group vs SS.
But this week, one of the Life group leaders
started talking about some things she had been reading about
Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
Now Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit..left the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wild. Luke 4:1
...Jesus rejoiced, exuberant in the Holy Spirit. Luke 10: 21
Jesus told them, "You don't get to know the time....What you'll get is the Holy Spirit," Acts 1: 7&8.
All of these verses talk about Jesus as a man walking with the Holy Spirit.
Just like the old American Express commercial which said,
"Don't leave home without it..."
Jesus gave us examples to follow.
As I embark on each day,
I am trying to consciously remember
to make sure I am taking the Holy Spirit with me.
Who are you taking with you?
grace. i take grace. because i need it...every day.