Sunday, June 26, 2011

the older I get...

...the more I see the power of prayer.  I just wished I had realized earlier.  From the earliest prayers I remember saying..."now I lay me,"  "God is great, God is good." "Our Father, who art in heaven", to the conversations I now have with my heavenly Father, prayers are our major communication link to God.  Last week, I was asked to pray over a new baby and I have never been so blessed by being asked to do this.  What a privilege!!!!!! I encourage you each to look at your prayer life.  I used to think the Bible verse that said to "pray without ceasing" was just a silly verse and that is really not what you were supposed to do...oh silly me...take it literally...Pray without ceasing.  It is amazing!

Thursday, June 16, 2011


there are days when we just wished we had never gotten out of bed...
for some reason, I have had a few like that lately.  not sure why, because when i look
at my life....i am so blessed. 
it is very easy to get caught up in the everyday mundane rut and overlook all of the blessings
we take for granted every single day.  the little blessings like:
hot water,
air conditioning,
a soft pillow,
diet coke,
those are just the little things...what about the big blessings like:
a job,
a family,
my dog..
now i just need to keep my perspective in focus and stay away from the "world view" and keep my "MeriRobin'sEyes" focused on Christ and see what He would have me to see each day.
And as you pray today, don't forget to thank God for all of your little and big blessings.