Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Sidebar--I admit it...I watched The Bachelor.

manchild #1
manchild #2

I admit it...I watched "The Bachelor" this season.  Tonight in the final episode, when Sean was talking with his mom and she got all teary, I did too.  Anyone that knows me will tell you , I don't get teary eyed very much but tonight when she was just overcome with I guess, fear, about whether or not Sean was going to make the right choice really struck home with me. 
As a mom of two adult sons who aren't married or even in relationships right now, I could really empathize with her.  To me, but I'm sure not to our sons , the question is, how are they going to replace me...the most significant woman in their lives, with someone else? 
Now I am definitely not saying that I don't want to be replaced...because I definitely want them to find the mate God is preparing for them!   We have been praying for these women since these baby boys were born!   But when it comes down to it, we do want the best one--made especially for them.  How terrifying it would be to see the uncertainty in either of my Manchilds in choosing a mate for life!  Thank God, for the peace that passes all understanding when "Momma's" have to watch this process!  I will so welcome the time when those Godly women enter our lives just as much as I dread the time also. The manchild's  hearts are tender and easily hurt.  So for now I just keep praying that whoever those special women are, I pray they love Jesus more than they love my boy(s) and if that is the case, then I have no worries! Just more love to give! Fill my cup and let it overflow! Amen! 

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