Thursday, January 19, 2012

What were you thinking?

As a nurse working with new parents everyday, I often wonder,

"What were you thinking,"

or maybe the better question would be,

"Did you think at all,"?

I didn't fall off the turnip truck yesterday, but it just seems like to me, that if you find out you are pregnant, it should be wonderfully clear that the end result will be
a baby!

Now I know, sometimes pregnancies
aren't planned,
aren't wanted,
and even some, unfortunately end prematurely either by choice or by complications.

Sometimes, the end result is totally not what was expected.
Those situations are a whole other chapter
.....but this post is not about those....
this post is about the ones with a baby after about nine months.

Women have been having babies for thousands of years.
This is not rocket science!

My one recommendation
for anyone pregnant and planning on being a mommy (or daddy)
before your baby arrives...
find one to hold!
If you can't find a real one to hold, then find a life like baby doll and practice!

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