Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Hostas part 2

Back to the lessons I was learning this weekend from my hostas...

If you look close, you can see the beautiful new hosta pushing its way through all of the dirt, leaves, and weeds becoming a new hosta again this year.

Remember the promise, He willl make all things new.....

As I look back at my life, it is so freeing to know that even though I make mistakes, wrong decisions, wrong words, wrong turns in my daily walk, I still belong to Him.  I am a child of God and there is no denying that fact! 

As I look at my adult children trying to make their way in the world today, I can rest assured that they too belong to Him and just like the new hostas, they may be surrounded by people who can try to choke the life out of them, they may be knee deep in dirt, and they may also have some leaves around to protect them. 

No matter what...I and my children will be okay.  Just like my hostas...
We will all be beautiful in His time.

Thank God for hostas and all of the other things being made new again as spring is here.
Don't forget to look for those miracles of His love everyday!


  1. I love how God speaks to us through the business, the mundane, the simple, the complex, well He just speaks to us doesn't He! He said He would, that we are His sheep and His sheep hear His voice! Thanks for sharing your intimate moments with your Father!
